Army Robot Invent a Product, LEGO, Movie, Thymio / By Tanner Ingram This is the Army Robot. It helps soldiers in battle.
Breakfast Bot! Invent a Product, LEGO, Movie, Thymio / By Mitchell Sansam This an exclusive deal about a robot that gives you breakfast!
Kmazing Krew Fridge Backpack Design Invent a Product, Movie, Thymio / By Kyra Sawheny This is the Kmazing Fridge Backpack Design by Katie and Kyra.
Platebot 20,000,000 Invent a Product, LEGO, Movie, Thymio / By Kai Hummel This is our robot, the PlateBot 20,000,000.
I-Phone Transporter Invent a Product, LEGO, Movie, Thymio / By Nicholas Hellman This is the I-Phone Transporter that transports phones to other places.
Turtle Feeder 33.0 Invent a Product, Thymio / By Audrey Wang This is the Turtle Feeder 33.0! It feeds… turtles!
Sushi Bunny Interactive Animal, Thymio / By Scottie Samara This is our pet, Sushi Bunny! He like’s carrots and sushi.
Icy the Penguin! Interactive Animal, Movie, Thymio / By Adam Doughan This our Icy project with our adorable penguin.